Overthinking: The 9 Different Types, 50+ Quotes & How To Stop

The 9 Different Types Of Overthinking The 9 Different Types Of Overthinking

Overthinking - which can be defined as "uncontrollable thoughts in excess" - is something that plagues a lot of people who struggle with depression1, anxiety2 and other mental health issues. And, for this reason, in this blog post, we'd like to share with you:

  1. The 9 different types of overthinking;
  2. 50+ quotes about what overthinking is like;
  3. Three cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) strategies to help you stop overthinking.

As soon as you're ready, let's get started!

The 9 Different Types Of Overthinking

Unfortunately, rather than being a narrow problem that only affects people in a limited way, there are commonly 9 different types of overthinking - which as you'll see below, means that overthinking can actually impact you in almost every facet of life.

Type Of Overthinking #1: Worrying About The Future

This is where you continuously stress out and panic that something "bad" might happen - such as, for example, you failing an exam at university, something going wrong on your wedding day, the political party you're voting for not getting into power, or climate change wreaking chaos all over the world.

Type Of Overthinking #2: Rumination About The Past

This can involve, for example, incessantly dwelling on a mistake you made in the past, or continuously replaying a time you were hurt over and over again in your mind.

Type Of Overthinking #3: "Big Picture" Overthinking

By this, we mean overthinking the "big things" in life like who am I? What is my purpose? Am I in the right relationship?

Now, sometimes thinking about these issues can of course be helpful. However, when that thinking becomes "uncontrollable" and "in excess" (i.e. when it turns into overthinking), then it's no longer productive and helpful, and just results in you feeling, for example, confused, overwhelmed, panicked and/or depressed (in fact, "big picture overthinking" is such a common trigger of depression that we created the CBT-based "Existential Depression" Journal to help you prevent it from doing so).

Type Of Overthinking #4: Mindreading

This is when you're constantly trying to predict what other people are thinking about you.

In particular, an example of this would be being at a party and, because you're not talking every much, obsessively thinking "Does everyone think I'm a loser because I'm not talking very much? I wonder if everyone thinks I'm a loser? I bet everyone thinks I'm a loser! I bet everyone thinks I'm a loser!"

Type Of Overthinking #5: Indecisiveness

This is where you get hung up on relatively simple decisions like where to eat or what to wear, for example. When you're prone to overthinking in this way, having to make a choice sends your brain into overdrive, since you can't help but think about all of the possible - yet often extremely unlikely - consequences of your decision.

For example, "if I choose to wear the blue dress instead of the grey dress, then what will people think? How will it change the way they look at me? What if it makes me stand out more and I draw unnecessary attention to myself? How will that impact the chance of me getting a promotion? What if I wore the grey dress instead? How would that change things?" And so on and so forth.

Type Of Overthinking #6: Over-Reading Into Things

An example of this is when a small problem occurs, and then your mind goes into overdrive thinking of all the (usually non-existent) catastrophes that will happen as a result.

For example, after lunch you realise there's a small stain on the sleeve of your shirt, and then for the rest of the day, all you can think about is how everyone in the office will think you're a slob, how this is going to negatively impact your career, and that your boss may now never give you a promotion.

Type Of Overthinking #7: Hopeless Thoughts

This is when your brain goes into overdrive thinking hopeless thoughts - usually either about the future, or about your circumstances.

For example, thinking uncontrollably and in excess "I'll never get better ... I'll never get better ... I'll never get better ..." when you have depression.

Type Of Overthinking #8: Worthless Thoughts

This is when your brain goes into overdrive thinking worthless thoughts about yourself.

For example, "I'm an idiot ... I'm an idiot ... I'm an IDIOT!"

Type Of Overthinking #9: Mental Chatter

This is when your brain is constantly going and going and going and you can't make it stop - even about very trivial or mundane matters.

50+ Quotes About What Overthinking Is Like

ï»żNow that we've identified the 9 different types of overthinking, in order to add more depth to the above descriptions, we'd like to share with you:

  • Quotes about what overthinking is like when you have anxiety;
  • Quotes about what overthinking is like when you have depression;
  • Quotes about what overthinking is like when it comes to a relationship;
  • Quotes about what overthinking is like at night time;
  • Quotes about how hard it is to stop overthinking.

Each of these quotes were shared with us by members of The Depression Project's 3,000,000+ person social media community, and we hope they help you to feel understood and that you are not alone.

Quotes About What Overthinking Is Like When You Have Anxiety

  • "I'm always overthinking the future, and all the things that could go wrong."
  • "When I'm out with people - especially people I don't know - I overthink the smallest things like what people will think of my tone of voice, my body language, what I'm wearing and of course what I say."
  • "It's so debilitating ... it's overwhelming to make a decision about even little things like where to go for lunch or what to wear."
  • "Anxiety makes it so hard to let go of things. Whether it's a mistake I made in the past that I keep overthinking or a joke someone made today that I worry there's some hidden meaning behind ... it's hard to just accept things for what they are and move forward."
  • "I'm constantly overthinking the worst possible outcome and how I can prevent it from happening. Like if I have a presentation at work, let's say - I'll rehearse every possible aspect of it so that I (hopefully) don't end up embarrassed."
  • "For me, my overthinking gets activated anytime something is "unknown". Last night for example, I was planning to go out with some friends, and then three hours before we were due to meet, two of them decided to change the restaurant. It sent me into overdrive thinking about where I'll park, what the layout of the restaurant will be, what I will order, how far it will be from the table to the bathroom in case I feel panicked and need to re-compose myself. These are all things I really like to know in advance, because when I don't, it can lead to a panic attack."
  • "I can't take anything at face value - everything needs to be dissected and analysed. My mind spirals thinking - is there any hidden detail that I may be missing? Is there anything that I may not be understanding? What if this? What if that? It's absolutely exhausting and sucks the fun out of everything."
  • "The number one thing I overthink is: I wonder if people actually like me, or if they're just pretending?"
  • "I judge myself for the small situations that cause me to panic. I question how I'll be able to thrive if I'm so sensitive and fragile."
  • "I overthink and worry that my anxiety will push people away and that they'll leave me. This has consumed countless hours of my time."
  • "I doubt my capabilities. What if I don't have what it takes? What if I crumble under the pressure? What if I can't live up to the expectations others have of me? I have zero control over these thoughts."
  • "Anytime I say something, I get scared I'll be judged for it or be misunderstood. I'm constantly thinking about how to filter myself and not stuff up."
  • "Every time I feel the slightest bit unwell, I start thinking and panicking that I've got a serious illness. I get consumed with thoughts like, am I going to die? If I die, then who'll take care of my children? What the hell is going to happen to them? These are the thoughts my mind turns to and focuses on until I see a doctor - who, the last time I went, told me the reason my stomach was sore was because I'd been eating too much acidic fruit."
  • "I am always thinking of anything that may catch me by surprise or off guard. My biggest fear is freezing up."
  • "What if I make a mistake? What if I make the wrong decision? What's going to happen then? What will the consequences be? These are the kind of thoughts that plague me every time I have to do something or make a choice."

Quotes About What Overthinking Is Like When You Have Depression

  • "I get stuck on something that happened in the past, and go through it in my mind over and over and over again."
  • "I overthink all the mistakes that I've made ... it's like depression is trying to gather evidence for why I should hate myself."
  • "Overthinking makes simple tasks turn into the biggest things ever. Before having a shower in the morning for example, I'll sometimes question if I have the energy for it ... then I'll wonder how I'll be able to get through the day if it's a struggle to even find enough energy to shower ... then I'll feel discouraged and unmotivated ... then I'll feel trapped because I know I'll have the same struggle tomorrow. It's exhausting."
  • "I overthink the purpose of day-to-day life. What's the point in this? Why do I bother with that? Everything is challenged and questioned."
  • "Whenever I do the smallest thing wrong, I beat myself up about it for days. I can't stop replaying it and criticising myself for it."
  • "I'm constantly comparing myself to others - where we're at in life, what they're doing and what I'm not, how easy some things are for them that are hard for me, etcetera. It feeds into me feeling worthless and like I'm always falling short."
  • "I continuously question why I can't just be 'normal' ... it feels like everything I do is wrong so I'm constantly critiquing myself."
  • "I'm looking for any reason to have hope for a better future. I feel like I'm always trying to catch up but am always behind."
  • "I keep thinking about how much depression has taken from me and is holding me back from things. Sometimes I get so consumed with anger that it's hard to focus on anything else."
  • "It's the 'I'll nevers' when depression hits - the 'I'll never amount to anything' ... 'I'll never achieve my goals' ... 'I'll never get better ..."
  • "My thoughts start spiralling the moment depression makes things harder than I think they should be - like trying to read or focusing on a work project, for example. I get overwhelmed easily and then start putting myself down."
  • "I overthink the most when I'm numb and can't find any meaning in the world. I question 'is this all there is? Will things always be this way?' It's like I'm trying to find hope."
  • "I go through waves where I can't feel anything ... where nothing brings me joy or makes me feel alive. I ruminate about this and whether I'll ever feel like 'me' again."

Quotes About What Overthinking Is When It Comes To A Relationship

  • "I read into the smallest of things - the smallest changes in my partner's behaviour or their mood. It's like my brain goes into overdrive trying to find every possible explanation for every little thing (usually thinking the worst every time)."
  • "Even when things are good, I still find ways to overthink - about whether it'll last, about the future, and about whether things are ACTUALLY good."
  • "I overthink whether they actually love me. Even though they show me and tell me they do, it's like a part of me just refuses to believe it."
  • "For me, it's the worst-case scenarios I fear the most. I overthink anything that may even slightly suggest they could happen."
  • "I overthink what to say and how to act. It's like I can't just be myself and do what feels natural."
  • "If my partner ever needs alone time or wants to do something without me, I always think it's because I've done something wrong or because they must be sick of me (even though I know it's natural to want some space and independence in a relationship)."
  • "I struggle to trust my partner after being cheated on in the past, and I can't help but look for any sign that they may be hiding something from me because I'm scared of getting hurt again."
  • "I worry whether this is the right relationship for me. I put so much pressure on it and am constantly evaluating it - to the point that at times, I know I'm sucking the fun out of it."
  • "I always worry if my partner is happy and question whether I'm enough for them. Do I make them happy enough? Are they actually happy in our relationship?"
  • "I overthink our small disagreements so much ... I worry that they're the unravelling of us and if they'll lead to us breaking up."
  • "I over-read into text messages like crazy. I obsessively worry why someone may be taking a little longer to reply than usual and catastrophise the reason for it. Other times I panic why they did / didn't use a particular emoji."
  • "My brain goes into overdrive whenever my boyfriend goes quiet. I wonder what he's thinking about and get carried away playing out all sorts of worst-case scenarios."
  • "Whenever they have something on that doesn't include me, I personalise it and think they are avoiding me. Then I start worrying about our future and questioning things."
  • "When things start becoming more intimate with someone or I start letting my guard down, I get anxious and start overthinking everything that could go wrong."

Quotes About What Overthinking Is Like At Night Time

  • "I just lie in bed awake when I should be sleeping, thinking about everything that's wrong with my life. It feels impossible to shut off my mind."
  • "The dread for tomorrow sets in at night - thinking about all the things I'll have to do that I wish I could avoid."
  • "I get anxious about going to sleep and start thinking about whether I definitely locked the front door, if the stove is off, etcetera."
  • "I replay the events of the day as if to check whether everything went OK. I then zero in on any mistake I made and think how I could correct it."
  • "Sometimes, I'll just remember some random awkward incident that happened years ago where I embarrassed myself, and start replaying it over and over again in my mind."
  • "For me, I get lost in my imagination and a life that is a total escape from the one I'm living. Then I start second guessing everything."
  • "I always go back to whether I'm on the right career path. I don't feel fulfilled, and worry whether it'll always be like this and whether I should've chosen the path that makes me happier."
  • "It takes me ages to fall asleep at night, and the longer it takes, the more I start overthinking the next day - about how much more tired I'll be, and about how much more difficult it will now be to function."
  • "When I'm lying in bed all by myself, I sometimes find myself thinking: what if I never meet my person? What if no-one will ever love me? What if I die alone?"
  • "I question whether I'm doing enough with my life. I feel like I'm wasting it and missing out on things."
  • "Just before I fall asleep is when my biggest worries surface. Sometimes it's money related, and other times it's about my relationship. Whatever it is just comes up when I'm in bed and then my thoughts start spiralling."
  • "After another day and its challenges, I wonder whether there'll ever be a time when I feel on top of things - where I'll be flowing, confident, and really in control of my life."
  • "In the dark of night, I have a habit of shaming myself for things like eating too much at dinner, or sending an email that I didn't word well enough. It's like my brain's nightly ritual to find fault in everything from that day."

Quotes About How Hard It Is To Stop Overthinking

  • "Once a big fear gets triggered like 'they're going to leave me', my anxiety just completely takes over and no logic can bring it back in."
  • "I know overthinking sabotages me in so many situations, but it's so hard to shut my mind off and make it stop. It just becomes too loud to ignore."
  • "It's like I'm playing whack-a-mole with the 'what ifs' that are constantly popping up. No matter how hard I try to squash them, more and more keep appearing."
  • "As much as I want to be present and live in the moment, I can't seem to let go of everything else. I feel like the moment I do, bad things will happen so I must always keep analysing things."
  • "Overthinking is like walking on a tight-rope - it's like I need to think about everything to feel in control, but it always runs the risk of going too far which makes me feel less and less in control."
  • "For me, any attempt to stop overthinking just leads to more and more overthinking."
  • "Stopping overthinking feels like driving a car with no breaks. I keep desperately trying to slam them but nothing works."
  • "I crave an escape from my brain. I feel powerless because any attempt to dial things in and feel a sense of order falls short."
  • "It's hard to stop overthinking because I feel like I need to run through every option to put myself at ease."
  • "Overthinking is like an addiction. I feel like my brain is addicted to thinking, and it's only getting more rapid and intense with time ... like I'm getting more and more stuck in my head."

CBT & DBT Strategies To Help You Stop Overthinking

If you struggle with overthinking, then as the above quotes touch upon - and as you can likely relate to yourself - it can lead to a variety of consequences, including:

  • Stress;
  • Relationship conflict;
  • Difficulty sleeping, and feeling exhausted and struggling to function the next day as a result;
  • Difficulty concentrating (as overthinking can make it really hard to focus on anything that's taking place outside of your head);
  • Increased severity of depression and anxiety.

And, for this reason, now that we've looked at the nine different types of overthinking as well as 50+ quotes about what overthinking is like, the next thing we'd like to do in this blog post is share with you three cognitive behavioural therapy and dialectical behaviour therapy strategies to help you stop overthinking.

Distinguish Between PRODUCTIVE vs UNPRODUCTIVE Worry In Order To Stop Overthinking

"Productive worry" is worry over something which you have control over. The reason why this kind of worrying can be considered "productive" is because it's problem-solving-orientated in nature, and consequently, it can lead to you developing a plan of action to help you prevent what you're worried about from actually happening.

On the other hand, however, "unproductive worry" is worry over something which you don't have control over. The reason why this kind of worrying can be considered "unproductive" is because since you have no control over the outcome you fear, then it isn't problem-solving-orientated in nature. As a result, it has no beneficial purpose, and all it's doing is fuelling the negative consequences of overthinking that we mentioned above.

    For this reason, it can be really, really helpful to pinpoint which components of your worrying thoughts you have some control over.

    And, to see how you can do this in practice, let's take a look at the example worrying thought “If _______ gets elected, they may decrease jobs in my industry, which means that I may lose my job, and if that were to happen, then it would significantly compromise my ability to support my family.”

    • Component #1: “If _______ gets elected 
” Aside from casting your vote for your preferred party and/or candidate, you most likely have no control over the election outcome. For this reason, worrying over whether or not _______ gets elected would be considered "unproductive worry".
    • Component #2: “
 they may decrease jobs in my industry 
” In this case, if ______ does get elected, you may be able to join a protest or lobby the government in some way to try to convince them not to implement this policy change. However, on an individual level, you’re unlikely to have much control over what policies the government chooses to implement, and for this reason, worrying about whether or not ______ will decrease jobs in your industry if they're elected would be considered "unproductive worry".
    • Component #3: “
 this means that I may lose my job 
” Now, this is something that you may have at least some control over. After all, the more valuable of an employee you are, then the less likely you are to lose your job – right? So, if you do everything in your power to make yourself as indispensable to your company as possible, then you may be able to decrease the probability of you losing your job. For this reason, worrying about what you can do to make yourself as indispensable to your company as possible in order to minimise the probability of you losing your job would be considered "productive worry".
    • Component #4: “
 if [losing your job] does happen, then it would significantly compromise my ability to support my family.” Once again, this is something else you have some control over – since your income from your current job is not the only method you have of supporting your family. Consequently, worrying about how you would support your family if you did lose your job would also be considered "productive worry".

    So, out of the four components of this worrying thought, we’ve identified two components of it that you exercise at least some degree of control over:

    1. The probability of you losing your job;
    2. Your ability to support your family if you do.
    What To Do About The Components Of Your Worry That You Have Some Control Over

    For those components of your worry that you have some control over, we encourage you to make an action plan which details the steps you need to follow to try to prevent what you’re worried about from actually happening.

    Now, in our example, what you want to avoid happening is firstly, losing your job, and secondly, being unable to support your family if you do lose your job. So, with these objectives in mind, let’s create an example action plan of how you could achieve them.

    ACTION PLAN #1: To Try To Achieve The Objective Of Not Losing Your Job

    Like we said before, this in all likelihood is best achieved by trying to make yourself as valuable and indispensable to your employer or company as you can possibly be – so that if job cuts do end up happening, you may be more likely than other people to keep your job. An example action plan that you could follow to try to do this may be:

    1. Making a commitment to yourself to being the hardest working person on your team;
    2. Doing the “dirty work” that other team members don’t want to do;
    3. Taking only half your lunch hour so that you can be more productive;
    4. Taking the initiative to do whatever you can to make your boss’s life easier.

    ACTION PLAN #2: To Try To Achieve The Objective Of Still Being Able To Support Your Family Even If You Do Lose Your Job

    Luckily, the policy you’re worried about being implemented which could affect your job is unlikely to be enacted the week _______ is elected into power (if they are in fact elected, and if they do in fact go ahead with implementing this policy). Consequently, you still have time to try to save as much money as possible – which, in the worst-case scenario where you do lose your job, would help keep you and your family afloat until you can find a new job. In this case, an example action plan to help you save money may look like:

    1. Until you have more job certainty, reducing you and your family’s expenses on items A, B, C and D – since they are not 100% essential, and you could manage to go without them for a while.
    2. Picking up flexible work (as an Uber driver for example) for 10 hours a week to help you make some supplementary income on top of your current income. A flexible job like this may also be one you could transition to full-time if you do lose your job – at least until you’re able to find work in your industry again.
    The Power Of Following Your Action Plan

    Of course, it goes without saying that after making your action plan, it’s important that you follow it – so that you actually do minimise the probability of your future worry occurring. Additionally:

    1. The mere act of following your action plan and taking proactive steps to try to control your life for the better is – regardless of the outcome – likely to make you feel more confident and empowered, as opposed to feeling hopeless, stressed out, anxious and/or depressed.
    2. Not only that, but keeping busy by following your action plan can also help prevent you from idly ruminating on your worrying thoughts – which is another important reason why following your action plan can help worrying thoughts from raging war on your mental health.
    What To Do About The Components Of Your Worrying Thoughts That You Don't Have Any Control Over

    When it comes to unproductive worry, then rather than continuing to engage with it and engage with it, we really encourage you to instead try toÂ ï»żlet go of it.

    In practice, you could do this by, for example:

    • Distracting yourself - such as by watching television, listening to music, or calling up a friend and talking to them.
    • Doing the 5-4-3-2-1 mindfulness exercise (which is the first exercise we share in our blog post titled 3 DBT Mindfulness Exercises For Depression, Anxiety & PTSD).
    • Doing a thought defusion exercise (that we'll share with you below).
    • Doing something to soothe your senses – such as by smelling a scented candle, listening to the sounds of nature, or stroking something soft.
    • Exercising – such as by going for a run through the park, lifting weights at the gym, or walking up and down your street.
    • Visualising yourself somewhere safe, calm and peaceful – such as lying on a sandy beach; or amidst rolling, lush green hills in the country.
    • Thinking about something funny – such as a hilarious memory or a scene from your favourite comedy show.
    • Recalling a pleasant memory from the past and allowing it to uplift you – such as from your favourite vacation or the day your child was born, for example.

    Practicing Mindfulness To Stop Overthinking

    The second strategy we'd like to share with you to help you stop overthinking is toÂ ï»żpractice mindfulnessÂ ï»ż- which in case you don't know, involves anchoring yourself to the present moment, and focusing on nothing more than the here and now. For example:

    • If you’re practicing mindfulness while you eat – i.e. “eating mindfully” – then it could take the form of, for example, focusing on how each mouthful of food tastes, how its texture changes as you chew it, and what it feels like going down your throat.
    • If you’re practicing mindfulness while you shower – i.e. “showering mindfully” – then it could take the form of, for example, focusing on how the water feels crashing down on your skin, the scent of the soap you’re using, and what it’s like lathering it all over your body.
    • If you’re practicing mindfulness while you’re drawing – i.e. “mindful drawing” – then it would take the form of focusing 100% of your attention on your drawing (as opposed to, for example, watching television at the same time, being distracted by your phone constantly buzzing, and/or thinking about something else that’s unrelated to your drawing).
    Practicing mindfulness in this way can help you stop overthinking, because 

    it can help you prevent intrusive, negative and/or worrying thoughts from creeping in to the present moment, and help prevent you from engaging in rumination about the past3. After all, when you’re living in the present moment, then by definition, you’re experiencing life as it is right now. Therefore (also by definition), for example:

    • You aren't worrying about the future (because you're focused on the present);
    • You aren't ruminating about the past (because you're focused on the present);
    • You aren't constantly overthinking about anything else that isn't related to the present.
    Examples Of Practicing Mindfulness Throughout Your Day

    Since mindfulness simply involves centring your attention on the present moment, it can be practiced anywhere, anytime. And, to give you a couple of examples of how you could go about your day more mindfully, below, we’d like to expand upon two examples we touched on above: mindful eating and mindful showering.

    • Mindful Eating

    Once you’ve found a peaceful place to sit, set your meal in front of you. Before you take your first bite, take a moment to think about the food you’re going to eat. Focus on the way your food looks. What are its colours? What shapes does it take? Focus on the way your food smells. How would you describe it? Focus on the way your food feels. What kind of texture does it have? Is it soft? Is it solid? If it’s a sandwich for example, how does it feel to hold it? If it’s soup, how does it feel to lift up a spoonful? Finally, focus on the way it will taste. As you bring the first bite towards your mouth, anticipate it. How does your body react? What sensations do you feel? Where do you feel them? Next, take your first bite. Chew your food slowly. What is its temperature like? What flavours stand out to you? What is your favourite aspect of your food? Also, notice how it stimulates your other senses and body parts. For example, if it’s crunchy, you might feel it in your ears. If it’s spicy, you might feel it on your lips. Then, notice how the texture of your food changes as you chew it, and finally, concentrate on the sensation of swallowing. How does it feel going down your throat? Eat each and every bite this way — mindfully — until you finish your meal.

    • Mindful Showering

    Just like with mindful eating, when you’re having a shower, try to be as present in the moment as possible. Start by focusing on how the water feels against your skin. Is it warm or cool? How about the water pressure? Is it strong, gentle, or somewhere in between? What does the soap feel like? Is it smooth or gritty? Does it lather when it makes contact with your body? How does your shampoo smell? And, how does it make you feel? For example, as you massage it into your scalp, do you begin to feel more wakeful? Or, does it make you sleepy? Just as with mindful eating, take your time with this exercise. Clean yourself thoroughly and savour the experience. Any time you catch your mind wandering, just return your thoughts to the present moment in the shower, and refocus on the water hitting your body, the soap gliding over your skin, and the other ways that your five senses are being stimulated. Do this for the entire duration of your shower before towelling yourself off.

    ï»żFinal Words On Mindfulness When It Comes To Overthinking

    Regardless of what it is you’re doing throughout your day – whether eating, showering or anything else – then like we’ve been saying, you can do it mindfully by just focusing wholly on whatever it is that you’re doing. And, the more and more you get accustomed to mindfully going about your day like so, the less and less likely you are to overthink about anything that's unrelated to the present moment.

    Practicing Thought Defusion To Stop Overthinking

    Thought defusion is a technique that's popular in dialectical behaviour therapy4, and one that you can implement to help you detach from your intrusive, ruminative and/or worrying thoughts and gain some separation from them - as opposed to continuing to overthink and overthink.

    For this strategy, we encourage you to start by closing your eyes, taking a few deep breaths, and then, trying to imagine your thoughts as something that are harmlessly drifting away from you. For example:

    • Imagine that each of your thoughts are a balloon, floating away in the sky;
    • Imagine that you’re standing at the top of a hill or a sloping street, and that your thoughts are tennis balls rolling down it;
    • Imagine that you’re at the beach, and that your thoughts are birds flying by in the distance;
    • Imagine yourself sitting on a street-side bench, and that your thoughts are cars passing by in front of you.

    If you prefer another form of imagery that captures your thoughts coming and going like so, then of course, you’re most welcome to use that. Either way, just visualise your thoughts as being outside of your head, floating away, rolling away, passing you by, etcetera, without trying to analyse them, without trying to judge them, without trying to suppress them, without trying to overthink them and without trying to buy into them.

    Summing Up

    In this blog post, we've covered quite a lot of ground on the topic of overthinking, including:

    • The nine different types of overthinking;
    • Quotes about what overthinking is like when you have anxiety, quotes about what overthinking is like when you have depression, quotes about what overthinking is like when it comes to a relationship, quotes about what overthinking is like at night time, and quotes about why it's so hard to stop overthinking;
    • And, last but certainly not least, we shared with you three CBT / DBT strategies you can implement to help you stop overthinking.

    From the bottom of our hearts, we really hope that you've found this blog post helpful!

    All our love,

    The Depression Project Team.
